Traffic travelling in both directions on SH36, Pyes Pa Road will be diverted next week as part of the Pyes Pa Bypass project, advises the NZ Transport Agency.
Completion of the $4.4 million upgrade of SH5, Fairy Springs Road will improve safety and reduce congestion along the route, the NZ Transport Agency says.
The NZTA has re-opened the Waitaki Bridges on SH82 near Kurow is now open to all vehicles following comprehensive safety inspections carried out earlier today.
The NZ Transport Agency is hosting two open days next week to provide an opportunity for local residents to discuss the future of SH2 north of Tauranga.
The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Closures start at 8:00 p.m. and finish at 5:00 a.m., unless otherwise stated. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 25 February.
The NZ Transport Agency is reminding drivers that the Northern Gateway Toll Road (State Highway 1) will be closed for 90 minutes tomorrow morning (Thursday, 17 February) because of necessary work connected with the maintenance of the Johnstones Hill tunnels.
New sections of cycle and walk ways constructed as part of the NZ Transport Agency's Manukau Harbour Crossing project will be officially opened this Sunday (20 February) by the Minister of Transport, Hon. Steven Joyce.
The NZ Transport Agency is advising motorists that essential work on the Victoria Park Tunnel project is likely to cause delays for those leaving central Auckland this weekend (18-21 February).
Geotechnical testing began on Monday as part of the investigations into route options for the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Hamilton City Council (HCC) proposed Southern Links project.
The NZTA expects to carry out strength testing on the Waitaki Bridges on SH82 near Kurow on Thursday, which will allow a decision to be made on when the bridges can be re-opened to traffic.
The NZ Transport Agency's Victoria Park Tunnel Alliance team is leading a clean-up of the Waitemata Harbour at Westhaven this Wednesday night (16 February) by removing several large blocks of concrete from the sea which have been an annoyance for local residents and anglers for more than 30 years.
The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Closures start at 8pm and finish at 5am, unless otherwise stated. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 18 February.