In 2020, working with Council, iwi, key stakeholders and the community, we completed a detailed business case for the Corridor.
Detailed business case [PDF, 6.7 MB]
In the lead up to the detailed business case, we worked closely with Rotorua Lakes Council, iwi and stakeholders to come up with a set of proposed improvements for the corridor. In late-2020, we heard valuable feedback through stakeholder and community engagement which further shaped the improvements.
Summary of the engagement process [PDF, 189 KB]
Key changes we made in late 2020 as a result of stakeholder and community feedback:
- allowing right-turn entry into Brent Road, with right turn exit from Brent Road prohibited (we originally proposed left in/left out only at this intersection)
- smooth transitions for cyclists and prams at intersections
- pavement design to reduce noise for residents on the corridor
- technology for phasing of signal lights to ensure efficient through-traffic flow
- extending the length of the right-turning bay at the Ōwhata roundabout to allow longer queuing and reduce impacts to through-traffic
- more pedestrian refuges.